Letter of Consent

Dear website visitor, thank you for taking your time to tour this shelterbelt.

We welcome you to complete your tour of this shelterbelt by participating voluntarily in this 5 minutes feedback survey.

Please understand that your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and there will be no negative consequences if you refuse to participate in it, withdraw from it at any time, or refuse to answer certain questions. Your participation/identity in this survey will be confidential. All comments and answers that you provide will not be attributed to your identity and comments will be generalized to prevent identification. Your participation in this survey will likely have no risks involved. Please also understand that, by consenting, you have not waived any rights to legal recourse in the event of research-related harm. The benefits of your participation include an increased understanding of perceptions about shelterbelts and their importance among beef producers in Manitoba and the Prairie Provinces at large, including their determination to whether or not establish shelterbelts on their farm lands and accompanying reasons. Please feel free to contact the Director of RDI at 205-571-8513 / ashtonw@brandonu.ca or the Brandon University Research Ethics Committee (BUREC) at burec@brandonu.ca / 204-272 7445.

I have read and understood the contents of this consent form. I agree to participate in this interview.

Yes   |   No