Where can I get trees from? Are trees available for free? Can I get labour support to plant these trees? How to design shelterbelts? The Conservation Districts of Manitoba have answers to these questions and any other questions you may have in relation to planting, enlarging, improving and maintaining shelterbelts on your farmland. For more information, please contact your local Conservation District below:
Alonsa Conservation District
Phone: (204) 767-2101
Email: alonsacd@mts.net
Website: http://www.mts.net/~alonsacd
Assiniboine Hills Conservation District
Phone: (204) 535-2139
Email: ahcd.mgr@inethome.ca
Website: http://www.assiniboinehillscd.ca
Cooks Creek Conservation District
Phone: (204) 777-2223
Email: cccd@mts.net
Website: http://www.cookscreekcd.com
East Interlake Conservation District
Phone: (204) 642-7578
Email: eicd@mts.net
Website: http://www.eicd.net
Intermountain Conservation District
Phone: (204) 742-3764
Email: imcd@mts.net
Website: http://www.intermountaincd.com
Kelsey Conservation District
Phone: (204) 623-3353
Email: kelseycd@mts.net
Website: http://www.kelseyconservationdistrict.com
Lake of the Prairies Conservation District
Phone: (204) 564-2388
Email: lpcd@mts.net
Website: http://www.lpcd.mb.ca
LaSalle Redboine Conservation District
Phone: (204) 526-2578
Email: mail@lasalleredboine.com
Website: http://www.lasalleredboine.com
Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District
Phone: (204) 566-2270
Email: lsrcd.mgr@mts.net
Website: http://www.littlesaskatchewanrivercd.ca
Pembina Valley Conservation District
Phone: (204) 242-3267
Email: pvcd@goinet.ca
Website: http://www.pvcd.ca
Seine Rat River
Phone: (204) 424-5845
Email: manager@srrcd.ca
Website: http://www.srrcd.ca
Swan Lake Watershed Conservation District|
Phone: (204) 734-955
Email: slwcd@mts.net
Turtle Mountain Conservation District
Phone: (204) 747-2530
Email: tmcd.mgr@goinet.ca
Website: http://www.tmcd.ca
Turtle River Watershed Conservation District
Phone: (204) 447-2139
Email: mgr.trwcd@mts.net
Website: http://www.trwcd.com
Upper Assiniboine River Conservation District
Phone: (204) 567-3554
Email: uarcd@mts.net
Website: http://www.uarcd.com
West Interlake Watershed Conservation District
Phone: (204) 762-5850
Email: admin.wiwcd@mts.net
Website: http://www.wiwcd.com
West Souris River Conservation District
Phone: (204) 877-3020
Email: manager@wsrcd.com
Website: http://www.wsrcd.com
Whitemud Watershed Conservation District
Phone: (204) 476-5019
Email: whitemud@mts.net
Website: http://www.mts.net/~whitemud
Agroforestry Development Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
The Agri-Environment Services Branch (AESB) Agroforestry Development Centre, formerly known as the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) Shelterbelt Centre, promotes environmental and economic benefits of integrating trees with agricultural systems through research, extension and provision of seedlings to prairie farmers and other eligible clients.
The Prairie Shelterbelt Program is administered out of the AESB Agroforestry Development Centre. The Program provides technical services and tree and shrubs seedlings. Eligible applicants can apply for seedlings by filling out a Prairie Shelterbelt Program Application for Trees.
For more information, please contact:
J. Blair English B.Sc., Ag
Agroforestry Specialist |Spécialiste en Agroforestiére
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada|Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada
Agri-Environment Services Branch| Direction génèrale des services agrienvironnement
Box 1000B, R.R. #3
Brandon, MB, R7A 5Y3
E-mail Address | Address courriel: Blair.English@agr.gc.ca
Telephone |Téléphone: 204-578-3638
Facsmile |Télécopieur: 204-726-7619
Teletypewriter |Téléimprimeur: 613-773-2600
Government of Canada |Gouvernment du Canada
AESB Agroforestry Development Centre
Box 940
Indian Head, Saskatchewan
S0G 2K0
Phone: 1-866-766-2284
Fax: 306-695-2568
E-mail: agroforestry@agr.gc.ca